The Surprising Value of Print Newsletters in the Digital Age

by Rebecca Wood, J.D.
4 minute read

As technology continues to advance, some charities are questioning the effectiveness of sending direct mail to their donors. The traditional planned giving newsletter, in particular, has an image problem. But is it truly an archaic form of communication with a high cost and little reward? You may be astonished to learn that research shows the opposite. Newsletters and other direct mail options offer nonprofits one of the highest returns on investment while providing a more personal touch than digital communication.

Even if email is your go-to tool for donor outreach, there are several compelling reasons to incorporate a printed component into your planned giving marketing strategy. Consider the ways a print newsletter fares better than its electronic counterpart: 

• A print newsletter has less competition. Today, the average person’s email inbox is inundated with thousands of spam emails vying for their attention each year. A print newsletter, on the other hand, competes with only 454 physical marketing correspondences a year or a little over one piece of mail a day. This means a print newsletter is much more likely to stand out and receive attention.

• A print newsletter is tangible. Because direct mail is a physical item that recipients can hold, it’s much more memorable and harder to ignore than an email. While emails are easily deleted, lost, or forgotten, letters can linger in the home for up to 17 days, giving multiple family members time to look at the material and consider acting on the information. And they often do! A recent study found that direct mail, in general, has a response rate of between 2.7% and 4.4% compared to just 0.6% for emails. Additionally, direct mail offers a 29% return on investment.

A print newsletter is more personal. Forging a personal connection with potential donors is key in planned giving, and research shows that 70% of consumers feel that direct mail is more personal than online communication. While digital messages can often feel invasive in their usage of the recipient’s personal information, utilizing the recipient’s name or contributions in direct mail can increase response rates by 135%.

If your organization recognizes the advantages of including traditional print newsletters in your overall planned giving marketing strategy, the next step is to maximize your newsletter’s effectiveness. Consider the following steps:

• Evaluate your mailing list. In large part, the quality of your mailing list will determine the newsletter’s impact. Take the time to regularly review your mailing list. Identify donors who are the best prospects for your planned giving program and target those who may be actively evaluating their estate plans. Focus on including donors who have recently and consistently donated.

• Provide valuable content. Thoughtfully craft content that will be useful to your supporters. Include educational planned giving topics that are timely, interesting, and easily understandable. Showcase your organization’s accomplishments, providing tangible evidence of how previous donations have enhanced programs or helped the community. Share donor stories—this powerful, relatable content connects with readers, draws them in, and encourages giving.

• Include a call to action. Once donors have read the newsletter, encourage them to respond—visit your website, request more information, ask for a free informational booklet or other response piece, or share details if they have made a previously undisclosed future gift to your organization. A reply card or QR code makes responding easy. Consider including a short survey on the reply card (or online, accessible through the QR code) to collect important information about the donor’s interests, preferences, and situation that can further improve the effectiveness of future newsletters.

Embracing traditional print newsletters can greatly boost the success of your planned giving marketing strategy by offering a personal touch and standing out in a crowded digital landscape. This approach not only fosters deeper connections with donors but also extends your reach, providing more opportunities for donors to give to your organization and ensuring the continuation of your work for years to come.

At EDS, we understand the time and effort that goes into creating an effective, visually appealing newsletter that will resonate with donors and motivate them to action. We can help. Visit our website to learn more.