National Estate Planning Awareness Week: Becoming Your Donors’ Trusted Partner

by Marina Cooper
5 minute read

Fall is here. Stores are stocked full of decorations for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and even Christmas! Your supporters are anticipating upcoming festivities and fun with family and friends. Estate planning may not seem like a natural fit with the season, but National Estate Planning Awareness Week, which begins October 21, could not come at a better time.

Your donors are already thinking about the people and causes most meaningful to them. They are entering a time of gratefulness and giving. You can leverage National Estate Planning Awareness Week to turn their holiday reflections into meaningful action and position your organization as a trusted partner in their estate planning. Consider the following actionable steps:

1. Educate and Empower Donors

According to’s 2024 Wills Survey, less than a third of respondents had a will, despite 64% agreeing with the importance of having one. Will creation and estate planning can seem like daunting tasks to many donors. You can make the process easier. Establish your organization as a trusted partner by educating donors on the basics of estate planning, including the importance of having a will and how an effective estate plan can meet both their financial and philanthropic goals.

What to do: Offer clear, accessible information in multiple formats to reach donors where they are. Whether on your website, in your newsletter, or in mailings to your supporters, cover the different aspects of an effective estate plan and the significant role charitable giving can play in meeting goals and providing tax and planning benefits. Consider the following ideas:

Offer a free estate planning guide. Help walk donors through creating a will from scratch or updating an existing one. This also provides the perfect opportunity to ask donors to think about including your organization in their legacy planning. (Don’t have an estate planning guide? EDS can help.)

Send out a planned giving newsletter. Newsletters are a great way to highlight your organization’s mission and latest accomplishments while also providing detailed information on various planned giving options and their tax benefits.

Share meaningful impact stories. Stories from the people you serve highlighted on your website or in mailings to your supporters illustrate the real-world impact of making a planned gift, encouraging others to shape their own legacy with a gift in their estate plans.

2. Collaborate with Allied Professionals

Partnering with financial advisors, accountants, and estate planning attorneys can extend your reach and credibility as a trusted resource for donors. Donors turn to these professionals for estate planning guidance, so building a strong relationship between your nonprofit and these financial professionals can enhance your ability to support donors in fulfilling their philanthropic goals.

What to do: Nonprofits can play a critical role in helping allied professionals broach the subject of planned giving with their clients. Consider the following ideas to strengthen your relationship with these professionals:

Host seminars or workshops. You can provide these professionals with the knowledge and language they need to engage clients in meaningful discussions about legacy gifts.

Share a targeted newsletter or educational materials. Focus on topics that may be of particular interest to allied professionals, such as timely estate planning updates or the details of planning a successful and beneficial gift.

3. Recognize and Celebrate Legacy Commitments

Acknowledging donors who have already included your nonprofit in their estate plans is a powerful way to build community and inspire others. Public recognition shows that you value their commitment and strengthens the sense of belonging and partnership between your organization and its supporters.

What to do: Create a legacy society to honor and recognize donors who have made planned gifts to your organization. If you already have one, make sure it’s set up to provide the greatest benefits to your donors and your organization. Perks of membership may include:

• small gifts (a lapel pin, tote bag, art print, etc.)

• invitations to exclusive events (luncheons, seminars, tours, etc.)

• access to free gift planning consultations through your planned giving office

• regular updates on your nonprofit’s work

• a free planned giving newsletter

• opportunities to connect with like-minded supporters who share a passion for your mission

Recognition celebrates your donors’ generosity and encourages others to consider making a similar commitment to your cause. Read more about creating or enhancing a legacy society here.

Building a Lasting Partnership

As the approaching holiday season inspires reflections on what matters most, position your nonprofit as a trusted partner in helping donors turn those thoughts into lasting impact. By focusing on education, collaboration, and recognition during National Estate Planning Awareness Week, you can guide your supporters in leaving a legacy of generosity with your organization.